What is the Future of Law?

When combined, technology and human work complement each other. When we talk about artificial intelligence, this combination can substantially alter our lives, our relationship with work, and, why not, the practice of law.

Artificial intelligence will allow the automation of processes – including data checking – leaving lawyers with more time for higher value-added activities that benefit the client.

But it doesn’t stop there: with artificial intelligence, clients and lawyers will start from the same database for case analysis, with no information asymmetry and low research and labor costs.
This realization completely changes the logic of traditional law practice.

That said, what will be the role of lawyers in the future? What attributes and what will be expected of a law firm in this emerging scenario (remembering that the future has already arrived)?

1) Proactive Law Practice.

With the database available to everyone – lawyers and clients – the role of the lawyer will cease to be predominantly responsive. Professionals will need to deeply understand law, technology tools, and artificial intelligence and their applicability in business, in a new generalist-specialist profile, to identify opportunities and generate value in their actions with clients. The future will belong to professionals with education and/or specializations beyond law, promoting a higher value-added service to clients, using multidisciplinary knowledge. Law firms will become even more indispensable for structuring business, occupying a proactive and complementary role to business areas.

2) The Lawyer as Copilot.

According to Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, the current generation of artificial intelligence brings users to the copilot function – instead of operating on autopilot. Only those who pilot alongside AI will benefit from it. Not many people will be needed for this: only a few well-prepared professionals. Thus, the lawyer who today only provides answers will be replaced by one who knows how to ask the right questions. This professional will be able to bring differentiated and high-value solutions in terms of service delivery.

3) The Quality of the Professional Will Make All the Difference.

The experience of cases, a very deep theoretical background, multidisciplinary knowledge and learning ability, familiarity with technological tools, curiosity, and clear communication skills will be highly desirable traits. Excellence in legal service delivery will be achieved by professionals who can identify what is essential, what truly meets the client’s needs. In other words, after refining the information provided by technology, and in most cases, already analyzed and previously discussed by clients, the lawyer will have to present the best solution, adding their experience and human value.

4) Diversity Will Be Essential.

Diversity in ideas and relationships. Only with it will it be possible to navigate uncertainties, with attentive ears and eyes to all stakeholders impacted by legal advice. The role of a law firm will have to be inclusive, with actions and measures to incorporate divergent opinions and various perspectives, with practical actions for gender equality and inclusion.

5) Purpose and Shared Ideas.

The firm will need to be a collaborative co-creation environment, where people seek purpose and happiness. Team integration and engaging storytelling generate real belonging and make the client experience unique and genuine.

6) Sustainability as a Decision-Making Pillar.

A law firm needs to have sustainability in its facilities. Very large and hierarchical structures no longer seem to make sense. Artificial intelligence will provide the necessary information for decision-making, without the need for endless hours of research and information search.

Humans will remain the essential component in providing legal services – but they will let machines handle bureaucratic and research work.

Lawyers will be tasked with focusing on what is essential: validating and refining the best legal solution, always considering human relationships and the happiness of those involved.

The proposal for the future is the practice of uncomplicated, personalized law that uses technological tools to enhance quality human work, with a focus on clients.

The article was produced by SouzaOkawa Advogados and published by Brazil Journal. To access the full version, click the link below.

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