Last week, SouzaOkawa organized an event in Brasília to discuss the impacts of the tax reform within the infrastructure sector. The event was attended by congress’ members that are engaged in the tax reform, represented by the Federal Deputy Arnaldo Jardim and the Senator Efraim Filho, responsible for coordinating the Working Group that evaluates the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (PEC ) no. 45/19. The debates were attended by the firm’s partners and the main representatives of infrastructure associations, including the National Association of Private Concessionaires of Public Water and Sewerage Services (ABCON); the Brazilian Association of Highway Concessionaires (ABCR); the Brazilian Association of Port Terminals (ABTP ); the National Association of Railway Transporters (ANTF); Airports of Brazil (ABR); the Brazilian Association of Infrastructure and Basic Industries (ABDIB); and the Association of Multisectoral Infrastructure Investors(MoveInfra).
Through honest and transparent conversations, the infrastructure sector pointed the impacts that the current tax reform text will cause on the national economic activity, also using the opportunity to present possible legislative paths to benefit economic activity and users of Brazilian infrastructure. The legal certainty and the compliance with ongoing rights and contracts was the focus of the debates, increasing certainty that the matter will continue to be the focus of attention by Congress.